Wednesday 2 November 2016

Why your Content Marketing is not Building Back Links to your Business?

Content marketing is the latest and most popular buzz nowadays. All thanks go to the well-established companies who have experienced the taste of success due to it. Now, several startups and business organizations have started to invest a small amount of budget into content marketing. They have finally understood its importance, i.e.; by sharing valuable and genuine content, such as blog posts, infographics, images, videos, press release, news release and user cases, they can mark a strong presence in this online world.

Content marketing has become an important part of every professional SEO company in New York. Why? Well, it helps you build brand recognition and increase the list of followers.

When Google gets to know that a particular content is attracting maximum audience attention and earning quality links for a set of keywords, then the search engine considers it as the most reliable and valuable content and give it a high ranking in SERP. The more your content is searched, the higher you go and attain a better Google ranking. Ideally, this will definitely improve your brand exposure and give your business a long list of followers.

And if you’re like someone who is planning to extend their business and turn it into a powerhouse – then content marketing is something you can’t even think to ignore.

Though it seems simple and straightforward, but it is not at all easy! Most companies and leading organizations have failed to make this strategy work for them. They’re doing everything to build a fair strategy, but are not getting anything in hand. Even though after investing a huge of amount of money and putting 100% of efforts to keep the content fresh and unique, they haven’t reaped its benefits.

All of us can produce ‘Content’ – It’s not a big deal, but creating something that actually says a lot about your business and does wonders for your business – that’s quite rare nowadays.
Generating content that helps you build backlinks is extremely tough these days. That’s the main reason why we need to keep our eye on every latest update our link building efforts. Even after knowing its importance, several business entrepreneurs fail to make it work for them. Publishing the same and old content is not going to make you popular anyhow. If the content published by you is not able to generate enough quality links, it means there is something going wrong and you don’t know about it.

Here we have mentioned a few things that you need to check if the content shared with you is not giving any benefits to your brand:

Your content is not as valuable as it needs to be.
This might seem harsh to you, but it’s actually true! Content marketing is a rotating wheel that has no starting and ending point – it’s an on-going process. So, before you take a step ahead and curse the God for everything you didn’t achieve, you need to look back and take a dig at your work done.
If you are serious about content, link building and want to share a piece of content that every wants to link back, you need to think about sharing something that speaks in favor of your targeted audience. You need to generate something that not only sounds valuable, but worth linking to.

You’re not promoting it everywhere.
It really doesn’t matter how well you write content or optimized it with relevant keywords – if you are not promoting it everywhere and all over the web, it will not benefit your business. So, it is important to share your content everywhere. The online world is full of various social networking sites that help you gain a maximum number of followers and earn mouth referrals. Start sharing everywhere and promote your business all over the world.

These are major 2 points you need to take into consideration while promoting your business through content marketing. Keep them in mind and start following it today onwards. These will definitely benefit you a lot! 

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